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Safety Crank

Safety Crank  

integrated friction disk brake
integrated friction disk brake
Brass friction pads
lacquered or galvanized execution
14 mm or 17 mm square
250 mm crank arm for 1,5 – 5 t jacks
Nominal: 70 Nm
300 mm crank arm for 10 t jacks
Nomina:l 168 Nm

The Safety Crank and the double safety catch hold the load in every height. The load can only hold in one direccton- clockwise. Its correspond with the BG rules. You can selected between two different brake pads, Brass friction pads.

    Article-no. Sizes in mm Weight
    A B N N1 O in kg
    Safety crank for steel winches 1,5 t - 5 t
    006.015-0017 250 130 n64 n25 14 1,2
    006.015-0017.10 250 130 n64 n25 17 1,2
    Safety crank for steel winches 10 t
    006.100-0017 300 250 n64 n25 17 2,3
    Safety crank with friction pads – galvanized execution – for steel winches 1,5t – 5 tt
    006.015-9917 250 130 n64 n25 14 1,2
    006.015-9917.10 250 130 n64 n25 17 1,2
    Safety crank with friction pads – galvanized execution – for steel winches 10 t
    006.100-9917 300 250 n64 n25 17 2,3
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